Welcome to XP-Africa


mardi 7 octobre 2008

DTTA - Tunis-Carthage - Tunisia


I am very very pleased to release this one, it's been quite a bit of work to get it all working but the result is worth it! :)

You can see some more screenshots HERE

This scenery is a convertion of the Tunis2008 scenery package for FS,
created by the AfricaSim team, composed of Frédéric Kabalu & Nassim Naidja.
A big big extra 'thanks!' to Frederic Kabalu, who helped me a lot by providing all needed elements and infos for the conversion.

You can visit their website and leave them a little thank you here:


They're also reachable through the FS-Africa forum: http://fs-africa.forumactif.com/


This scenery is available for X-Plane in three versions:


This Package is optimised for X-Plane v9.xx, using .dds textures.
It also contains XSims animated objects.

Please Note:
For the animations in these object to work, an additional plugin (Developed by Sandy Barbour) must be installed. Please visit http://www.xpluginsdk.org/misc_plugins.htm on Sandy's Website and download and install the 'CustomSBDatarefs004' plugin.

Same as above, except the animated objects have been removed
for those who don't care about animated objects or don't want to install a plug-in, or anything else...


This one is for X-Plane v8.64, with .png texture files.


The original scenery had photoreal coverage of the city of Tunis and the airport.
Since i've been unable to convert these textures propperly, i decided to create photoreal coverage for the region, as an add-on that is. (they're absolutely not necessary to run the scenery but it looks a lot better with them)

Thanks to Olivier "Inamat" and Bruno Lagougine "Lagb", who did all the job,
we now have photoreal coverage for the regions of Tunis, Tunis-Nord, Monastir, Djerba, Bizerte and Borj el Amri. You can download them HERE

These overlays will only work from X-Plane v9.20 on, the terrain files use X-Plane's new Texture Paging function to ensure high framerate.

Some people report broken files after download. Usually re-downloading solves this issue.

A big thanks also to Helgo for his static ships and Mr3D/XSims for the animated objects.


Please refer to the included original documentation for details and original ReadMe's.

This package is enhanced with objects from the OpenSceneryX
library and wont work propperly without it.
For those who do not have it yet, you can download the latest
package installer here:



For those of you who have installed DTMB-Monastir, you'll have to replace the apt.dat with THIS ONE . To do so, unpack the file, go to your Custom Scenery folder, Open the AFRI-DTMB-Monastir-Tunisia folder, go to Earth Nav Data and replace the apt.dat file with the one you just downloaded.
It seems the original DTMB scenery contains apt.dat info for DTTA as well, and that could be a problem, sorry for not seeing that before.

Have Fun !

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

It's so nice blog with informative world development.
I like to read more, keep on updating.

Parag a dit…

Its indeed an informative blog.
Carthage In Tunisia

Parag a dit…

The most dramatic sight in Tunisia is the ruin of ancient Carthage on the hill overlooking the Mediterranean. Other points of interest include the lovely beach of Sidi Bou Said and the Bardo Museum with its stunning architecture and its wealth of amazingly well preserved mosaics, depicting scenes of daily life.
Carthage In Tunisia

Ashlee M a dit…

Grreat reading your post

Release Map for XP-Africa - last update: April 16th, 2008