Welcome to XP-Africa


mercredi 7 janvier 2009

DGAA -Accra - Kotoka Intl. - Ghana

The DGAA Accra-Kotoka Scenery was created for X-Plane and the
VACC Ghana by Alexander Cohrs.

You can contact him here and leave a little "thank you"
on the VACC GHANA page.

Please refer to the ReadMe.doc for installation details and further info.


This scenery package integrates parts of the OpenSceneryX object library.
The scenery will work without it but you will miss some objects.

If you do not have it yet, please get the free installer/updater here:

Have Fun !

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you, Alexander. (Registration is required on your site, or I would thank you there too.)

--Le Canard

Release Map for XP-Africa - last update: April 16th, 2008