Welcome to XP-Africa


mercredi 18 juin 2008

DTMB - Habib Bourgiba - Monastir - Tunisia

This scenery was originally created by Christoph Schipke for FS-9.
You can leave a 'thank you' and get the FS-9 version of this scene here:


This scenery package integrates parts of the OpenSceneryX object library (v.1.8.5).
It will work without it but you will miss a lot of objects.

If you do not have it yet, please get it's handy and free installer/updater here:


Dolly the Dolphin by Mr3D/Xsims is available for your scenery creation needs HERE

Tested in X-Plane 8.64 & 9.02b1.
©2008 Flusipilot.de, Chistoph Schipke, XP-Africa

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Release Map for XP-Africa - last update: April 16th, 2008