Welcome to XP-Africa


dimanche 17 janvier 2010

FIMR - Sir Gaëtan Duval Airport - Plaine Corail - Rodrigues / Mauritius

XP-Africa is proud to present a new beautiful native scenery package by Camilli de Bellis:

FIMR - Sir Gaetan Duval Airport
Plaine Corail - Rodrigues - Mauritius

Located about 350 nm from FIMP Plaisance International airport, FIMR has daily flights to the capital, Port Louis and has become the second largest hub of the country.

Very neat little scenery, lots of detail and beautiful reproduction of the airport buildings - a "must have" scenery !

More info on FIMR:



More info on Rodrigues Island here:


Important Note:
You will need OpenSceneryX and the Madagascar Library package to run this scenery. You can get OpensceneryX HERE and get the Madagascar package from Shade Tree Micro Aviation (for free) HERE.

Required for full enjoyement but not necessary to run the scenery, is the "Flip Book" plugin by Sandy Barbour.

Tested in X-Plane v9.20 & v9.41

Please read the included ReadMeFirst file for more info.

Have Fun & Fly Safe !

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Great Scenery, keep 'em coming!


Anonyme a dit…

very nice detail, very cool scene, thanks xp-africa!

ron harding

Anonyme a dit…

Thank you for Rodrigues. Do you know if anyone has done a good scenery for Mauritius (FIMP) for X-Plane 9? I've tried searching but, up to now, I've had no luck.

Merci :-)

Release Map for XP-Africa - last update: April 16th, 2008